The Five Senses in Nabokov’s Works, eds. Marie Bouchet, Julie Loison-Charles et Isabelle Poulin (Palgrave McMillan, 2020). Vous trouverez la table des matières ci-après/Please find the table of contents below/С оглавлением сборника (на английском языке) можно ознакомиться ниже.

Ce volume collectif s’intéresse à une question largement négligée dans les études nabokoviennes : l’importance et les enjeux des cinq sens dans l’œuvre de Nabokov, du point de vue poétique, politique ou esthétique. Cet ouvrage analyse le rôle crucial que jouent la synesthésie et le multilinguisme en relation avec les cinq sens, ainsi que la place que les dimensions sensuelle et érotique de la sensorialité occupent dans ses écrits. Chaque chapitre présente une approche très ciblée et parfois complètement novatrice sur le rôle unique que les perceptions sensorielles jouent dans la construction et le récit de ses souvenirs ou dans son processus créatif.

This collection of essays focuses on a subject largely neglected in Nabokovian criticism—the importance and significance of the five senses in Vladimir Nabokov’s work, poetics, politics and aesthetics. This text analyzes the crucial role of the author’s synesthesia and multilingualism in relation to the five senses, as well as the sensual and erotic dimensions of sensoriality in his works. Each chapter provides a highly focused and sometimes provocative approach to the unique role that sensory perceptions play in the shaping and narrating of Nabokov’s memories and in his creative process.


Сборник посвящен проблеме, которой до сих пор в набоковедении практически не уделялось внимания – важности и значению пяти чувств в творчестве Набокова, в его поэтических, политических, эстетических взглядах. В книге анализируется ключевая роль синестезии и мультилингвизма и их связь с пятью чувствами, и, кроме того, чувственное и эротическое измерения органов чувств и место, какое они занимают в работах писателя. Каждая глава отличается очень целенаправленным и порой совершенно новаторским подходом к уникальной роли, какую чувственное восприятие играет в конструировании и нарративе набоковских воспоминаний и в его креативном процессе.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1         “‘Do the Senses Make Sense?’: An Introduction”, Marie Bouchet, Julie Loison-Charles, Isabelle Poulin

PART I            The Role of the Senses in Nabokov’s Aesthetics and Metaphysics

Chapter 2        “Do the Senses Make Sense?”, Brian Boyd, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Chapter 3         “‘To breathe the dust of this painted life’. Modes of Engaging the Senses in Vladimir Nabokov’s Invitation to a Beheading”, Lilla Farmasi, University of Szeged, Hungary

Chapter 4        “Nabokov’s Visceral, Cerebral and Aesthetic Senses”, Michael Rodgers, West College, Scotland

Chapter 5         “Developing Transnational Style: Particularities of Nabokov’s Lexicon and Cognitive Frames in The Gift in Relation to the Five Senses”, Lyudmila Razumova, King’s College, London, UK

PART II           Crossing Sensations and Languages: Multilingualism, Memory and Intermediality

Chapter 6        “An Eden of Sensations: The Five Senses in Speak, Memory”, Damien Mollaret, University of Bordeaux Montaigne, France

Chapter 7         “A Look at the Spectropoetics of Photography in Nabokov’s fiction”, Yannicke Chupin, University of Cergy Pontoise, France

Chapter 8        “Visual Agnosia in Nabokov: When One of the Senses Can’t Make Sense”, Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, College of the Holy Cross, USA

Chapter 9        “Translating Taste and Switching Tongues”, Julie Loison-Charles, University of Lille, France

Chapter 10       “Translation as Craft and Heroic Deed: On the Political Stakes of a Multilingual Sensoriality”, Isabelle Poulin, University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, France

PART III          Senses and the Body: from Pleasure to Displeasure

Chapter 11       “Sensuality and the Senses in Nabokov”, Maurice Couturier, University of Nice, France

Chapter 12       “The ‘Eyes’ Have It: The Pleasures and Problems of Scopophilia in Nabokov’s Work”, Julian Connolly, University of Virginia, USA

Chapter 13       “The carmen in Nabokov’s Lolita”, Suzanne Fraysse, University of Aix-Marseille, France

Chapter 14       “‘I’d Like to Taste the Inside of Your Mouth’: The Mouth as Locus of Disgust in Nabokov’s Fiction”, Anastasia Tolstoy, University of Oxford, UK


PART IV          Synesthesia and Multisensoriality

Chapter 15       “An Introduction to Synesthesia Via Vladimir Nabokov” Jean-Michel Hupé, Neuroscience Researcher, University of Toulouse, France

Chapter 16       “Neurological Synaesthesia vs Literary Synaesthesia: Can Nabokov Help Bridge the Gap?”, Marie Bouchet, University of Toulouse, France

Chapter 17       “Undulations and Vibrations, Tonalities and Harmonies: Nabokov, Acoustics and the Otherworld”, Sabine Metzger, Stuttgart University, Germany

Chapter 18       “Vladimir Nabokov’s Musico-Literary Microcosm: “Music” and Nabokov’s Quartet”, Kiyoko Magome, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Chapter 19       “‘Tactio has come of age’: the Tactile Sense in Nabokov’s LolitaPale Fire and Ada”, Léopold Reigner, University of Rouen, France

Chapter 20      “Embodied Memories in Ada, or Ardor and Speak, Memory”, Nathalia Saliba Dias, Humboldt University, Germany

Chapter 21       “‘A Tactile Sensation is a Blind Spot’: Nabokov’s Aesthetics of Touch”, Lara Delage-Toriel, University of Strasbourg, France

Irena Księżopolska, Mikołaj Wiśniewski/Ирена Ксензопольская, Миколай Висневский (Eds.), Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory,  SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, 2019:

– Irena Księżopolska, Mikołaj Wiśniewski/Ирена Ксензопольская, Миколай Висневский, « Introduction », p. 7.

– Leona Toker/Леона Токер, « Nabokov’s Factography », p. 21.
– Stephen Blackwell/Стивен Блакуэлл, « Nabokov’s Cryptic Triptych: Grief and Joy in “Sounds,” “The Circle,” And “Lantern Slides” », p. 51.
– Péter Tamás/Петер Тамас, « Vision and Memory in Nabokov’s “A Forgotten Poet” », p. 82.
– Dana Dragunoiu/Дана Драгуною (SFVN), « Time, Memory, the General, and the Specific in Lolita and À la recherche du temps perdu », p. 100.
– David Potter/Давид Потер, « Paramnesia, Anticipatory Memory, and Future Recollection in Ada », p. 123.
– Adam Lipszyc/Адам Липщук, « Memory, Image, and Compassion: Nabokov And Benjamin on Childhood », p. 156.
– Gerard de Vries/Герард де Вриз (SFVN), « Memory and Fiction in Nabokov’s Speak, Memory », p. 173.
– Mikołaj Wiśniewski/Миколай Висневский, « Memory’s Invisible Managers: the Case Of Luzhin », p. 184.
– Andrzej Księżopolski/Анджей Ксензопольский, « Time, History, and other Phantoms in The Real Life of Sebastian Knight », p. 203.
– Irena Księżopolska/Ирена Ксензопольская, « Biographer as Impostor: Banville and Nabokov », p. 226.
– Akiko Nakata/Акико Наката, « Memories Trick – Memories Mix: Transparent Things », p. 254.
– Carlo Comanduccin/Карло Командучин, « Transparent Things, Visible Subjects », p. 274.
– Vyatcheslav Bart/Вячеслав Барт, « Vladimir Nabokov’s Ontological Aestheticism from the Renaissance to Transhumanism », p. 294.
– Olga Dmitrienko/Ольга Дмитриенко, « Reminiscence and Subconscious Sacralisation of the Kin in The Gift », p. 318.
– Tatiana Ponomareva/Татьяна Пономарева, « Epilogue: The Reality of Fiction in The Vladimir Nabokov Museum », p. 330.

Vladimir Nabokov/Владимир НабоковThink, Write, Speak: Uncollected Essays, Reviews, Interviews and Letters to the Editor, edited by Brian Boyd and Anastasia Tolstoy, Knopf, 2019.

A rich compilation of the previously uncollected Russian and English prose and interviews of one of the twentieth century’s greatest writers, edited by Nabokov experts Brian Boyd and Anastasia Tolstoy.

The American Roadside in Émigré Literature, Film, and Photography: 1955–1985 (Palgrave Macmillan, Studies in Mobilities, Literature, and Culture, 202) traces the origin of a postmodern iconography of mobile consumption equating roadside America with an authentic experience of the United States through the postwar road narrative, a narrative which, Elsa Court argues, has been shaped by and through white male émigré narratives of the American road, in both literature and visual culture. While stressing that these narratives are limited in their understanding of the processes of exclusion and unequal flux in experiences of modern automobility, the book works through four case studies in the American works of European-born authors Vladimir Nabokov, Robert Frank, Alfred Hitchcock, and Wim Wenders to unveil an early phenomenology of the postwar American highway, one that anticipates the works of late-twentieth-century spatial theorists Jean Baudrillard, Michel Foucault, and Marc Augé and sketches a postmodern aesthetic of western mobility and consumption that has become synonymous with contemporary America.

Les Chercheurs Enchantés-Société française Vladimir Nabokov ont la grande tristesse de vous faire part du décès, le 22 avril 2020, de Claude Nabokoff, l’épouse d’Ivan Nabokoff. Depuis qu’en 2013 nous avions fait sa connaissance, lors de l’organisation du colloque Nabokov et la France, Claude, avec Ivan, avait participé à toutes nos manifestations, visitant notamment avec nous, en 2016, Biarritz et le château d’Oncle Rouka. Toujours très chaleureuse, elle aimait faire la connaissance des passionnés de Vladimir Nabokov et partager avec eux les souvenirs de ses rencontres avec lui, notamment lors de son passage à Paris pour la publication de la traduction française de Lolita en 1959. Critique d’art, elle a aussi traduit en français les Mémoires de son beau-père, Nicolas Nabokov, Cosmopolite. Elle nous manquera beaucoup.

The French Vladimir Nabokov Society – Les Chercheurs Enchantés – regrets to inform you that Claude Nabokov passed away on April 22 2020. Ever since we met her in 2013 when we organized the symposium Nabokov and France, Claude had taken part in all our events with her husband Ivan ; we visited together Biarritz and Uncle Ruka’s castle in 2016. She was ever so warm and caring ; she enjoyed meeting Nabokov enthusiasts and share with them her memories of the moments she had spent with the writer especially in Paris when Lolita was translated into French. An art critic, she had also translated into French Cosmopolite, the Memoirs of her father-in-law, Nicolas Nabokov. She will be greatly missed.

En cette période de confinement où (pour certains tout du moins) le temps peut paraître long, nous vous invitons non seulement à profiter de cette parenthèse dans nos vies agitées pour relire les œuvres de Nabokov, mais aussi découvrir ou redécouvrir certains films, documentaires, émissions de radio, vidéos, entretiens, livres audio etc qui sont disponibles en ligne et consacrés à notre auteur de prédilection. En voici une sélection.

Prenez bien soin de vous et de vos proches.


During the lockdown now stopping most of us in our daily–and busy– lives, why not taking advantage of the time on your hands to reread Nabokov’s works, or to (re)discover some films, documentaries, radio shows, interviews, audiobooks etc. that are available online?

Below is a selection that we hope you enjoy.

Stay safe and take care.


Сейчас, когда многие из нас находятся в вынужденной самоизоляции, время (по крайней мере, для некоторых) тянется медленней, чем обычно. Мы подумали, что эту неожиданную паузу в нашей суматошной жизни можно использовать не только, чтобы перечитать книги самого Набокова, но еще и познакомиться с документальными и художественными фильмами, радиопрограммами, аудиокнигами, интервью… – словом, с информацией, которая доступна онлайн и посвящена нашему любимому автору.

Мы составили небольшой список источников онлайн и рады поделиться им с вами. 

Берегите себя и своих близких.


Marie Bouchet, avec l’aide des membres du bureau




Films/ Фильмы

2013 Symbols and Signs (Short story “Signs and Symbols”/short movie). A Denver School of the Arts Production

2000 The Luzhin Defence by Marleen Gorris (novel Zashchita Luzhina, La Défense Loujine/film) with John Turturro and Emily Watson

1997 Lolita by Adrian Lyne (novel Lolita/film) with Jeremy Irons and Dominique Swain

1987 Maschenka by John Goldschmidt (novel Mashen’ka, Mary/film)

1986 Laughter in the Dark by Laszlo Papas (novel Rire dans la nuit, Camera Obscura/ film) with Mick Jagger as Axel Rex and Marina Vlady as Margot

1978 Despair de Rainer M. Fassbinder (novel OtchayaniyeLa Méprise) with Dirk Bogarde and Andréa Ferreol

1972 King, Queen, Knave de Jerzy Skolimowski (novel Korol’, dama, valetRoi, dame, valet/film) with Gina Lollobrigida

1969 Laughter in the Dark de Tony Richardson (novel Rire dans la nuit, Camera Obscura / film) with Anna Karina

1962 Lolita by Stanley Kubrick (novel Lolita / film) with James Mason, Sue Lyons and Peter Sellers


Films/ Фильмы in Russian/en russe

1997 Lolita by Adrian Lyne (novel Lolita/film) with Jeremy Irons and Dominique Swain

1978 Despair de Rainer M. Fassbinder (novel OtchayaniyeLa Méprise) with Dirk Bogarde and Andréa Ferreol

1991 Машенька by Tamara Pavlutchenko with Anastasia Zavorotnuk, Yuri Yakovlev

1972 King, Queen, Knave de Jerzy Skolimowski (novel Korol’, dama, valetRoi, dame, valet / film) with Gina Lollobrigida 



Films sur/about Nabokov/Фильмы о Набокове

2003 Гении и злодеи. Владимир Набоков. By Michail Shulman.

«Рассказы: Владимир Набоков и крымские бабочки»



Podcasts sur/about Nabokov/Подкасты о Набокове


Nuit de France Culture Vladimir Nabokov 2018, France Culture

rie Vladimir Nabokov 2019, France Culture

Les Chemins de la Philosophie – Le Consentement n°2 : Lolita de Nabokov, France Culture

Ada, le roman des manuscrits (Philippe Boyer lit et commente Ada) 1990, France Culture


On The Gift : Backlisted

On Pale Fire : Phi Fic

Literature and Form 1: Unreliable Narrators, University of Oxford

Open Yale University Course on Lolita

BBC program on Lolita

1989 Video Documentary “Lolita, my most difficult book”, with Marin Amis, Brian Boyd and Maurice Couturier





Entretien avec Bernard Pivot (1975) (sous-titré en espagnol)


Nabokov discusses Lolita part 1 of 2, CBC

Nabokov discusses Lolita part 2 of 2, CBC

Nabokov on different Lolita covers

Nabokov Speaking to James Mossman—Montreux, 9/8/69



Audiobooks/Аудиокниги and/et/и Podcasts/Подкасты 


« Signs and Symbols » (13 minutes)

The Enchanter” (3 h)

Pale Fire (9h 20 minutes)

Selected Poems and Prose (57 min)

Aleksandar Hemon Reads Pnin

Sur Audible (essai gratuit de 30 jours/free 30-day trial), all of Nabokov’s works


Sur Audible (essai gratuit de 30 jours / free 30-day trial), La Vénitienne et autres nouvelles

« Le Lutin” 1991, France culture


Sur Audible (essai gratuit de 30 jours / free 30-day trial), Дар

Zashchita Luzhina

Sur Книга в ухе  – ( site gratuit)

Возвращение Чорба, Сказка, Соглядатай, et autre 27 livres

Истребление тиранов (рассказ, читает В.Особик)

La Société Internationale Vladimir Nabokov lance deux appels dont vous trouverez les détails sur le site The Nabokovian.
Le premier est un appel à communication pour la convention annuelle de la Modern Languages Association. La date de limite d’envoi d’un abstract est au 24 mars. Plus de détails ici
Le deuxième appel est un appel à candidature pour les prix de la recherche sur Nabokov. La date limite est fixée au 30 avril. Plus de détails ici
Ci-dessous une introduction à l’ouvrage de Danièle Roth, Sorties d’exil. Walter Benjamin, Stefan Zweig, Vladimir Nabokov, Virginia Woolf, qui vient de paraître aux Editions Edilivre :


« Sorties d’exil », un volume de quatre essais, résulte en partie d’un travail sur la représentation de la condition d’exilé dans la littérature américaine, plus particulièrement dans l’œuvre de Vladimir Nabokov, objet d’une thèse d’État de littérature nord-américaine et d’un ouvrage publié aux éditions L’Harmattan, Vladimir Nabokov – L’enchantement de l’exil.

C’est Nabokov en tant que sujet de l’expérience de l’exil qui se trouve ici privilégié, tout comme le sont l’Allemand Walter Benjamin et l’Autrichien Stefan Zweig, juifs l’un et l’autre. De l’étude de leur production (œuvres, journaux, correspondances), je tente de dégager des constantes propres à souligner le poids de la condition d’exilé, fort différente pour ces deux de

rniers de celle de l’écrivain russe, comme on le sait ; restait à comprendre pourquoi.

À la faveur de cet éclairage, j’ai repris le fil de la vie de Virginia Woolf, considérée dans un roman, Bloomsbury, côté cuisine, publié chez Balland. « Exil » n’est pas « expatriation » de façon obligée, il s’agissait pour moi de montrer comment les raisons du suicide de Woolf ont eu à voir, toutes proportions gardées, avec celles du suicide de Benjamin et de Zweig.

Out of Exile (Sorties d’exil) contains four essays derived partly from studies on the representation of the exiles condition in American literature, more particularly in Vladimir Nabokovs writings, as carried out by Danielle Roth for her PhD opus and another book published in France by LHarmattan, entitled Vladimir Nabokov – The Enchantment of Exile (Vladimir Nabokov – L’enchantement de l’exil.)

The focus is on Nabokov himself as an exiled subject, as well as on German thinker Walter Benjamin and Austrian writer Stefan Zweig, both Jewish. Studying their productions (works, diaries, letters), Danielle Roth tries to pinpoint the underlying truths that charaterize their condition as exiles. Zweigs and Benjamins were rather different from Nabokovs condition and the reason for this difference had yet to be understood.

With this in mind, Roth also revisited Virginia Woolfs life in a novel entitled Bloomsbury, on the kitchen side (Bloomsbury, côté cuisine) published by Balland.

« Exile » not necessarily covering the same reality as « expatriation », Roth proceeds to show that the reasons behind Woolf’s suicide may have had something in common with those that lay behind Benjamin’s and Zweigs. 

Преодолевая изгнание (Sorties d’exil– сборник, который включает в себя четыре эссе и является, в некоторой мере, итогом исследований  автора на тему репрезентации изгнания в американской литературе.Особое внимание Даниэль Рот уделяет творчеству Владимира Набокова, чему была посвящена ее докторская диссертация и предыдущая книга, Владимир Набоков – очарование изгнания (Vladimir Nabokov – L’enchantement de l’exil) которая вышла во Франции в издательстве ЛАрматтан (L’Harmattan).

Автора интересует то, как человек переживает изгнание – исследуется, прежде всего, личный опыт Владимира Набокова, а также немецкого философа Вальтера Беньямина и Стефана Цвейга, которые оба, к тому же, были евреями.

Изучая письменное наследие (сочинения, публикации, переписку), Рот ставит себе задачу выявить особые константы состояния эмигранта и понять, почему они так разнятся у Набокова, Беньямина и Цвейга.

Следуя этому же принципу, Рот предлагает новую версию биографии Вирджинии Вульф в романе Блумсбери, около кухни (Bloomsbury, côté cuisine), издательство Баллан (Balland).

“Изгнание” не обязательно выражается в экспатриации: Рот ставит себе задачу показать, что причины, по которым Вирджиния Вульф покончила с собой, имеют, с учетом иного масштаба событий, немало общего причинами самоубийств Цвейга и Беньямина.

The author of such global bestsellers as Lolita and Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov (1899–1977) is also one of the most controversial literary translators and translation theorists of modern time. In Between Rhyme and Reason, Stanislav Shvabrin discloses the complexity, nuance, and contradictions behind Nabokov’s theory and practice of literalism to reveal how and why translation came to matter to Nabokov so much.

Drawing on familiar as well as unknown materials, Shvabrin traces the surprising and largely unknown trajectory of Nabokov’s lifelong fascination with translation to demonstrate that, for Nabokov, translation was a form of intellectual communion with his peers across no fewer than six languages. Empowered by Mikhail Bakhtin’s insights into the interactive roots of literary creativity, Shvabrin’s interpretative chronicle of Nabokov’s involvement with translation shows how his dialogic encounters with others in the medium of translation left verbal vestiges on his own creations. Refusing to regard translation as a form of individual expression, Nabokov translated to communicate with his interlocutors, whose words and images continue to reverberate throughout his allusion-rich texts.

Link here

Autofiction, or works in which the eponymous author appears as a fictionalized character, represents a significant trend in postwar American literature, when it proliferated to become a kind of postmodern cliché. The Story of “Me”charts the history and development of this genre, analyzing its narratological effects and discussing its cultural implications. By tracing autofiction’s conceptual issues through case studies and an array of texts, Marjorie Worthington sheds light on a number of issues for postwar American writing: the maleness of the postmodern canon—and anxieties created by the supposed waning of male privilege—the relationship between celebrity and authorship, the influence of theory, the angst stemming from claims of the “death of the author,” and the rise of memoir culture.

Worthington constructs and contextualizes a bridge between the French literary context, from which the term originated, and the rise of autofiction among various American literary movements, from modernism to New Criticism to New Journalism. The Story of “Me” demonstrates that the burgeoning of autofiction serves as a barometer of American literature, from modernist authorial effacement to postmodern literary self-consciousness.

Link here